
Italian Folk Magic

Old-world solutions to new-world problems

Welcome to Italian Folk Magic, a website devoted to the magic, music, and spirituality of Italy and Italian Americaβ€”with a special emphasis on Southern Italy and Sicily. Written by Mallorie Vaudoise. 



Devotion to the Madonna has its roots in the goddess cults of pagan antiquity. Beautiful, mysterious, and downright deadly, the Italian Madonnas fill us with awe.



Petitioned for a wide variety of causes, the saints are our elder kin. Naming traditions and the ecclesiastical calendar result in a continually evolving relationship between the saints and the family.



Requiem AEternam dona eis, Domine; et Lux Perpetua luceat eis. Cultures around the world practice ancestor veneration, and Italy is no different.

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Mallorie Vaudoise is a Brooklyn-based spiritualist of Italian descent. She studies Southern Italian music and dance with world-renowned folk artist Alessandra Belloni. She believes that music, food, wine, and kissing are vital tools of spiritual evolution. Read more

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